Join us in witness about the Exchange Year in the U.S. provided by Agnieszka Kuszaj and Martina Fodorova (2019/20).
Listen to Daniel Svoboda give a witness about his Global Outreach experience.
2025-2026 Candidates: Global Outreach Student Applications IMPORTANT: Please read the GO 2025-2026 Important Letter to Applicant. This explains the 2-Step Selection Process as well as important dates, program participation expectations, and fees/expenses for the 2025-2026 GO Program year. Submission Deadline: Submit the 2025-2026 GO Student Application Documents by October 15, 2024. Scholarhship Opportunity: Global Outreach offers scholarships to candidates that are in need of financial assistance. The 2025-2026 GO Scholarship Application must be submitted no later than October 30, 2024. Contact Barbara Tota-Boryczka (barbara.tota-boryczka@globaloutreach if you have questions or wish to receive and complete the 2025-2026 GO Scholarship Application. For more information: Contact Barbara Tota-Boryczka, Executive Director, Therese Vinz, Student Exchange Program Coordinator or one of the local representatives at the following e-mail addresses:
Contacts for each Country:
Please contact [email protected] GO Hungarian website: |